
Please note, that it might take 1-2 business days before your order is shipped from our warehouse. Once an order is shipped, you will receive e-mail with a tracking number. Depending on a courier, the link might not be active within the first 2 business days.

For orders in Europe we offer shipping 5–7 business days (GLS Delivery). For international orders we offer 15–20 business days shipping. Please note shipping times are estimates. We cannot guarantee delivery times due to inclement weather, customs, and other factors outside the control of

Transit times differ for each country, and once we have ship an item, the transit time is completely out of our control. We are happy, however to assist with parcels that are not delivered within a reasonable amount of time (after the estimated arrival date).

When possible, tracking information will be provided, but it is not guaranteed. If you received a tracking code, to track your order, please and enter your order number here (received in confirmation email). You will then be able to view shipping details.

A signature will be required on delivery for the most of the international locations. This option cannot be changed once shipped. 

Due to the nature of our product, we do not accept returns. In the event you are dissatisfied with your purchase, you should contact us within 45 days from placing your order. We reserve the right to limit refunds and replacements, and we can only offer one replacement per consumer.

Any additional customs, duty or tax charges are payable by the customer on or after delivery. These costs are NOT included in the cost of the product or shipping on our website. It is the responsibility of the customer to find out the extra charges through their local customs office prior to purchasing.

Email us at We typically respond on weekdays within 24 hours. If you contact us over the weekend or during a holiday we will contact you back on the next business day.